Download – vROPS Host Troubleshooting Dashboard

Based on request, I have created the ESXi Host Troubleshooting Dashboard. This dashboard is similar to the VM Troubleshooting Dashboard, however it covers Host performance, capacity, and related VMs and Datastore issues. I’ve also created a handy Host Troubleshooting Guide as well, make sure to download it. This is part of the Maximize IT series.

  • Quickly Troubleshoot Host Issues
  • Identify if there are any capacity bottlenecks
  • View the history of when the problem started
  • View all the Host Properties
  • View what is connected to the Host
  • View all the VMs on the Host and some useful VM related stats

vROPs All Version Download Here ->  Host Troubleshooting Dashboard (5582 downloads )

vROPS Host Troubleshooting Guide Download Here ->  Host Troubleshooting Guide (5018 downloads )



To import in version 6.6

  1. First unzip the file you just downloaded, it will contain a dashboard and a view file
  2. Go to Dashboards > Actions > Manage Dashboards

  3. Hit the dropdown and select Import Dashboards. Import the file

  4. Next to go Views > Dropdown > Import. Import the file



To import in version 6.x
To Import the dashboard go to Content > Dashboard > Import Dashboards
and import file


To Import the views go to Content > Views > Import
and import Dashboard.xml file



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