vROPS – Creating a Dashboard based on Custom Groups

In my next part of the Maximize IT series, I am sharing out some outstanding work done by one of my coworkers Peter Tymbel, Senior Consultant at VMware. You can visit his blog at http://www.vbulosity.com

The whitepaper he wrote, walks you to all the steps on creating a very advance and useful dashboard for Custom Groups. In the whitepaper he clearly walks you through the following

  1. Custom Groups – why custom groups and how to create them
  2. Super Metrics – shows you how to create over 10+ useful super metrics
  3. Custom Dashboard – Create some dashboards based on real use cases
  4. Custom Reports and Automating Reports
  5. Authorizing Users and Providing Role-Based Access

You can read more about it here. Or if you want to go straight to the Technical Whitepaper PDF than you can download it here


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