To enable high availability (HA), the cluster requires a data node be converted to a replica of the master node. This node is an exact copy of the Master Node and syncs with the master at all times just in case the Master node fails. When present, the Replica Node can take over the functions of the Master node. When a problem occurs with the master node, failover to the replica node is automatic and requires only two to three minutes of vRealize Operations Manager downtime. Data stored on the master node is always 100% backed up on the replica node. In addition, with HA enabled, the cluster can survive the loss of a data node without losing any data.
- Master Node must have been installed and configured
- The HA node must be installed as an additional installation with a separate IP address
- Make sure both master and HA node has DNS entries
When configuring the HA cluster, vROPS may be unavailable for 20 minutes
Open a browser and type in the vROPS IP address or FQDN name of your HA node
Click on Expand an Existing Installation
Click on Next
Configure the node settings
- Provide a name for the HA node
- Select Data from the dropdown
- Enter the Master Node FQDN
Click on Validate
Accept the Certificate and click on Next
Type in the admin password and click on Next
Click on Finish
The configuration process will start, wait till it is completed
Once complete you should now see a status of Online and you should see your master node and your HA node in the list
Click on Finish Adding New Node(s)
Click on OK
It will take about 10 minutes to complete
Log back in to vROPs admin console using FQDN as https://FQDN-vROPS/admin
Notice that both servers are now online
To enable HA, click on the Enable button
Check the box to enable HA for the cluster and then click on OK
It will warn you that vROPs may be offline for 20 minutes. Click on Yes to configure
Notice how that status now changes
Once completed you will see that HA is now Enabled and the Cluster Role are labeled as Master and Master Replica
- It would be a good idea to add a load balancer and to also add DRS anti-affinity rules to separate the two VMs in vCenter