vROPS 7.5 has too many features to even mention in greater detail. Since I can’t cover them all, I will cover one of the best sections that I like the most: new features that will enhance Dashboards and Widgets creation. Below is a walk though of some of the new features of vROPS that I personally had to find myself by digging around. Hopefully this will come in handy for all those folks out there who are wondering where these features are. For a full set of features visit https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Operations-Manager/7.5/rn/vRealize-Operations-Manager-75.html
Widget and Metrics Enhancements
Smart Filters – found in some of the widgets, eliminates the use of custom groups and provides more control of the information displayed. Make sure to look for Output Filter > Advanced or just Output Filter on some widgets
New Timestamp Transformation for View Widget to track changes in metrics and properties over time, with relative and absolute timestamps
New Object Relationship (Advanced) widget allows you to view as many levels of child and parent objects as possible. Combine that with the smart filters and you can filter out what you don’t want to see.
Group by feature in View Widget allows you to group your data to your choosing
Ability to Copy Widgets when editing dashboards by selecting the widget and click on Actions > Copy Widgets
Scoreboard Widget now has a nice Preview of what it will look like
Ability to create a dashboard from certain widget. This works for Metric Graph Widget
Create Custom Properties for an object or multiple objects. Go to Administration > Inventory select one or many objects and hit the Custom Properties icon
When creating a Super Metric, Hit Ctrl + Spacebar for a wizard-based editor
Scoreboard now supports adding Properties from the UI (got this from SXNXR)
Dashboard Enhancements
Single-click option to set a pre-configured time for all the widgets with the dashboard level time. This only works for simple dashboards with limited widgets
Ability to Transfer Dashboards to a new Owner under Dashboards > Manage Dashboards select a dashboard and
click on the gear icon and select Transfer Dashboards