vROPS Super Metric – Virtual Machine Uptime

Personally, Virtual Machine uptime is the hardest metric to calculate and create by far. Luckily, my co-worker Iwan has already created one using his own logic. All I had to do was update it and improve it as needed. Rather than rewrite everything he wrote; you can read a full explanation of how the metrics work here: http://virtual-red-dot.info/vm-availability-monitoring/

You can download the new version that I modified below. In my next post, I will show you how to monitor and get an alert on a Virtual Machine going down using this metric in vROPS 8.2. If you want this capability, it is best to download and activate this supermetric now.



2 thoughts on “vROPS Super Metric – Virtual Machine Uptime”

  1. Thank you for the information shared.

    Need one help how to get info in the view for Total Number of Datastores in Cluster but should exclude Local Datastores? do we have to create Super Metrics to get that info? If yes can you please assist? Thanks a ton in advance. Regards, Harry

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