I never thought I would be posting this on my blog, but my 12 years at VMware is over. Being the most billable by far (over 150% in past two years) and one of the most demanded consultants at VMware will not protect you from Broadcom. With that being said I am looking for a new job opportunity that needs one of the most hardworking, passionate, and one of the best Day 2 automation, log data root cause analysis, performance monitoring SME, and capacity monitoring expert out in the market today. Through my 12 years at VMware I have consulted for over 70 clients including many in the fortune Top 500 including two in the top 5. Internally I was regarded as one of the top monitoring SME in all of VMware. I can provide VMware and customer reference as needed.
I am looking for a remote position (preferred) that would like to take their monitoring to the highest level which is to automate most of the day 2 infrastructure issues. Eventually I will be expanding to implement the next level which is to build AI into the product. I can apply my skillset to any monitoring and logging tool out there in the market today. I am also good at vRealize Automation, Disaster Recovery (SRM), and building and maintaining the entire vCF stack. Please reach out to me on Linkedin or my email below. Thank you everyone for their support and feedback on my site through the years. I promise to update a lot more once I am more stable.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lanvmware/
Email: vmignite@gmail.com